2020 week 12
Welcome to my weekly update.
As of this week I ‘m including a weekly COVID-19 statistics section (see below). Comparing the number of infections, number of recovered and number of deaths, by country and date might give some perspective on how long this pandemic will last and, besides the terrible human suffering, what impact this will have on the economy, the financial system, the stock markets and eventually the P2P market.
P2P Results
Only €36 was added to my total return this week. The first signs of the impact of covid-19 are becoming visible. This might be a temporary setback though. It is to soon to tell. Crowdestor has announced a 3 months recovery period to give so relieve to the borrowers. My total loss is €2.368.
Deposited €500 on Crowdrealestate this week to participate in one of their projects in Amsterdam, The Nethherlands . Furthermore I withdrew €1.000 from Mintos. This was my yearly return for 2019 and I’m using it to build my position in gold and silver mines. The money was deposited in a couple of days.
Invested €100 in a project on Bulkestate with a 17% interest rate, €500 in a project on Crowdrealestate, €50 on the first Business Development loan from Housers and €98 on a Reinvest24 project. I’m trying to keep my cash drag as low as possible so I deposit ‘just-in-time’ and ‘just-enough’ to participate in projects I like while spreading my money over multiple project and over multiple platforms.
Highest returns this week for Mintos, Grupeer and Peerberry
On the P2P news part a lot of e-mail about COVID-19. Crowdestor announced their 3 Months Recovery Period .
Check the charts below for my weekly progress, total income and total invested since the start of my p2p journey in January 2019
for more info and detail on investments see my p2p journeys section.
for a p2p newsfeed see my p2p news section.
for cashback deals on platforms I invested in see my p2p cashback section
updated march 22, 2020
COVID-19 Update: 2020 week 12
Weekly COVID-19 update.
Comparing the number of infections, number of recovered and number of deaths, by country and date might give some perspective on how long this pandemic will last and besides the terrible human suffering what impact this will have on the economy, the financial system, the stock markets and eventually the P2P market.
There is a slight discrepancy between the World Health Organization map and the graph. This is due to the fact that the data does not run entirely in sync.
what is striking is that the infected and recovered lines in China almost touch each other. 88% of those infected have been cured. Iran is also showing an upward trend in the number of people healed. Italy and Spain are about a month behind China and the beginning of an ascending line of recovered persons is starting to get visible. Only here does the number of deaths rise by just as fast and that deviates from China and Iran. Germany and the USA are still at the beginning, but what is striking is that the USA already has more victims as a percentage than Germany unfortunately.
World Health Organization COVID-19 World Map