Monthly Update: May 2020

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Covid-19 measures are slowly easing in most European countries. The good weather, higher temperatures but especially the increased UV values ​​and the Vitamin D that our body produces under these conditions slow down the virus rapid spread.
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Monthly Update: February 2020

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While the stock markets and precious metals (strangely enough) had a very bad month this year, my p2p portfolio shows black numbers again. It will take a while before my total return will be on beak-even, but for the time being it looks a bit better every week.
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Monthly Update: January 2020

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Exactly one year after the start of my p2p journey blood-red figures due to the collapse of two platforms one after the other. In both cases it seems that there is fraude in play. I think the chance that the investments of a few thousand investors and a few tens of millions of euros will ever be recovered is nil. I have written off both Kuetzal and Envestio.
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Monthly Update: December 2019

monthly updates
This month 450 € was added to my total return since I started my p2p journey in January 2019. This is by far the highest monthly return. This month I invested a total of 2.048 € in various projects and deposited a total of 1.250 € on various platforms. I also withdrew 350 € from Kuetzal due to some negative news on various blogs regarding the reliability of some projects and the platform itself.
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