January 2020
Welcome to the first monthly update of 2020.
Exactly one year after the start of my p2p journey blood-red figures due to the collapse of two platforms one after the other. In both cases it seems that there is fraude in play. I think the chance that the investments of a few thousand investors and a few tens of millions of euros will ever be recovered is nil. I have written off both Kuetzal and Envestio.
In my platform strategy I have never taken into account the collapse of two platforms in succession so short in my p2p journey. My investments were spread over 20 platforms with different types of loans, p2p, p2b and real estate. A spread over as many objects as possible within the platforms. A loss of around 10% of my investments. Anyway the year has just begun and I hope that in the coming months there will be more stability. I am going to rearrange my portfolio a bit in the near future and look for two new reliable platforms. More on that in the coming time
The year starts with a monthly loss of 5.615 €. Total result after a one year journey is –2.914 €
for more info on investments see my p2p journeys section
Check the charts below for my monthly progress, total income and total invested since the start of my p2p journey in January 2019
updated january 31, 2020
One project was completed in January 2020 and the invested amounts plus profit were deposited to my account.
Return for January 2020 was 9,57 €
for more info on investments and progress see my bulkestate journeys section
No investments this month. Not much to report on Crowdestate. The number of loans with issues are stable at the moment.
Return for January 2020 was 5.20 €
for more info on investments and progress see my crowdestate journey section
Many new projects on Crowdestor in January. I invested 300 € in three of them with interest rates above 18%. I try to spread my investments on many projects on this platform as they come with a higher risk.
Return for January 2020 was 11,72 €. Many project don’t have a monthly return schedule so the returns in this platform are lower on a monthly base.
for more info on investments and progress see my crowdestor journey section
Just one project bought and one project for pre-registration. It might take a couple of weeks before the project becomes active. On average there is about one project every 8 weeks or so to invest in. The next couple of months I will increase my stake in Crowdrealestate as the platform is supervised by the Dutch Financial Markets Authority
Return for January 2020 was 14,79 €
for more info on investments and progress see my crowdrealestate journey section
Done and over. This will be the last report on Envestio. I will keep the Envestio Journey open for historic reference
Loss for January 2020 was 3.887 € including interest and 3.650 € from my deposits the past year. I will keep posing updates on the Envestio case on my p2p news section
for more info on investments and progress see my envestio journey section
Two project finished and received the invested plus interest. Invested in two new projects. Otherwise going steady in January. Returns are rising.
Return for January 2020 was 20,05 €
for more info on investments and progress see my estateguru journey section
Invested in three project on EvoEstate in January for a total of 300 €, mostly their ‘skin in the game’ projects
Return for January 2020 was 16,66 € it takes a while before these real estate projects start seeing return. The next couple of months should see a higher return.
for more info on investments and progress see my evoestate journeys section
This is the first platform in which I have made an adjustment. I have sold a large number of loans in January. The share for FastInvest had risen too high in recent months. The amounts were in my account within 3 days, so that was handled properly. Costs are charged for prematurely ending an investment, namely the accrued interest so far. That is why the graphs show a loss. In the coming period I will look for better redistribution based on risk
Return for January 2020 was -9.50€ for the euro en polish złoty portfolio combined.
for more info on investments and progress see my fastinvest journey section
Exchange Rate EUR: Wed, 6 Nov.
One of my favorite platforms with a steady average yearly return of 12.3% on the auto-invest mode
Return for January 2020 was 53,25 €
for more info on investments and progress see my grupeer journey section
Invested 50 € in one of their projects. The last couple of months more and more projects are delayed. The good thing is that as an investor we can vote on the proposal made by a developer in a ‘Lenders Meeting’ for a new payment schedule. The bad thing is the number of “Lenders Meetings’ are rising. So far I received all the payments.
Return for January 2020 was 15,73 €
for more info on investments see my housers journey section
Done and over. This will be the last report on Kuetzal. I will keep the Kuetzal Journey open for historic reference
Loss for January 2020 was 2.077 € including interest and 1.985 € from my deposits the past months. I will keep posing updates on the Kuetzal case on my p2p news section
for more info on investments see my kuetzal journey section
lender & spender
For Lender & Spender I choose to pay out the redemption to my bank account instead of reinvesting. As this platform is also supervised by the Dutch Financial Markets Authority I will probably increase my investments the next couple of months despite the lower returns (4.2%)
Return for January 2020 was 1,83 €
for more info on investments and progress see my lenderspender journey section
A steady average yearly return of 11.2% I probably deposit some more to this platform in 2020. It takes a while before the money is invested though.
Return for January 2020 was 7,38 €
for more info on investments see my lenndy journeys section
My favorite platform so far due to the number of loan originators, the extensive auto-invest features and the reasonable interest rates, although they fluctuate month-by-month. The euro portfolio has a average yearly 12% return and the russian rubble has a average yearly 17.43% return.
Return for January 2020 was 113,32 € for the euro and russian ruble portfolio combined.
for more info on investments see my mintos journey section
Exchange Rate EUR: Wed, 6 Nov.
Many new projects on Monethera in December. I invested 300 € on three of them with interest rates above 17%. I try to spread my investments on many projects on this platform as they come with a higher risk. Since the Kuetzal and Envestio situation they closed their early buyback temporary .
Return for January 2019 was 10.98 €
for more info on investments see my monethera journey section
Another one of my favorite platforms with an average yearly return of 11.3%
Return for January 2020 was 23,88 €
for more info on investments see my peerberry journeys section
No new project this month.
Return for January 2020 was 2,54 €
for more info on investments see my reinvest24 journey section
Still a shortage of new loans in January. I withdrew 1.500 € because money was sitting idle. The money was returned in a couple of days. I hope they will resolve this issue.
Return for January 2020 was 15,74 €
for more info on investments see my robocash journey section
Still going steady with an average yearly return of 11.4% which is ok now.
Return for January 2020 was 17,67 €
for more info on investments see my swaper journeys section
One new project in January. As with Monethera they also temporay stopped their early buyback due to the Kuetzal and Envestio events and the panic that created on the p2p markets.
I invested 100 €. Return for January 2020 was 7,77 €
for more info on investments see my wisefund journeys section