Crowdestor E-mail: Project CRP-2644 ‘Mafia Stars (II)’

platform e-mail
Despite delays of finalization of game and delays of global launch because of reasons caused by the Covid-19, in general we see current market situation as very favourable for gaming industry

May 1, 2020

E-mail from Crowdestor

Dear investor

Our borrower Mobile game developer SIA “Beetroot Lab” has informed us to fully pay interest payments and to return to regular interest payment schedule starting from 6th of July.

Message from Beetroot Lab: ‘Despite delays of finalization of game and delays of global launch because of reasons caused by the Covid-19, in general we see current market situation as very favorable for gaming industry. Costs are going down, downloads are going up. We believe the success fee for CROWDESTOR investors from first two fundraising phases will be more than expected previously.

We are happy to announce that Beetroot Lab is returning to regular interest payment schedule starting from 6th of July. We will be paying interest payments for the Recovery period in Full amount together with the regular interest payments which are the 6th of July, 2020.’ Your schedules will be updated in the following days and money will be coming in according to schedule.

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